Day 110

Actual Date:  September 28

Wednesday = Brigade Fun!

"The One With Balloon Fun"
Jordan:  This is what we do in our brigade while we wait...we were playing baloon volleyball, Eurpoe vs. America.
Josh: Do you want to know how to entertain a group of cadets? Just toss a baloon in the air.

"The one with the marshmellow game"
Jordan: This is the game we played in Junior Legion, it was to teach them how important it is to work as a team.
Josh: Come on man. Let me just have one.

"The One With The Last Game of The Season"
Jordan:  Sadly while we were at brigades, the Braves lost the last game the season.  This season went downhill fast. 
Josh: This was a very, very sad end to the season. At least the Red Sox decided to choke equally as bad, so our loss didn't stick out in the media as bad. I have plenty I could say about this game and this season. But I have heard, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." I made this same expression in my living room.  
