day 67

Today has been another great day settling in to our new schedule.  I went to two classes class and writing class.  They were both pretty good and I am just happy to be in class and back to having things to do.

"The one where Josh had a mentoring lunch"
Jordan:  I am glad you got to go out with your mentor and see Brad.  We need to go eat here again soon...I miss it. 
Josh: Big ups to Jeff Jellets for meeting up with me for lunch. I love it when we are able to get together, when our schedules allow. Then I stopped by Atlanta Area Command to see Brad where he is solving all of the world's problems.

"The one with the night we watched a documentary"
Jordan:  We decided to watch a movie and we like to watch was interesting for sure.  It made me want to do more research on what I am eating and where my food is coming from. 
Josh: I'm watching you food giants.
