Day 33

Happy Wednesday!

Today I finally got all that I needed from trade to be ready for the EBC in August.  Emma was a big help....."Thank you Emma!"  

After completing my adventure at Trade some of my dear friends took me out to eat to celebrate my last week at Atlanta Temple.  It was a lovely time at lunch, but I am getting really sad about leaving and not seeing these people on a weekly basis.

After work I went to the grocery store and then waited in 1 hour and 45 minutes of traffic..... and Josh walked across the lawn from his office to our house. We decided tonight would be a great night for homemade pizza and a movie. 
"The one with Jordan making the dough"
Jordan:  I didn't drop it!
Josh: You came pretty close though. She was jumping around the kitchen throwing dough in the air.
"The one with pizza in stage 1"
Jordan: The dough turned out to be delicious...
Josh: I couldn't make pizza. I would get sidetracked playing with the dough.
"The one with pizza stage 2"
Jordan: Ready for toppings
Josh: First you take the dough and you smush it, you smush it. Then you take a piece and you throw it, you throw it. Then you take the dough, wait weren't we supposed to be making a pizza.
"The one with the pepperoni"
Jordan:  yummm
Josh: I like the pepperoni best.
"The one with the veggie"
Jordan: this one was my favorite, and we have plenty left....
Josh: This guy is tasty too though.
